
Pre-event "Jehan Banu" in Azadi Tower cultural complex

The pre-event meeting of "Lady's World" (February 13) was hosted by Azadi Tower Cultural Complex.

Pre-event "Jehan Banu" in Azadi Tower cultural complex

According to the public relations report of the Islamic Culture and Communications Organization, with the efforts of the General Directorate of Media Cooperation and Cyber Space of the Islamic Culture and Communications Organization and in cooperation with the Women's Department and the International Organizations Forum, the pre-event meeting "Jehan Bano" (13th of February) with the aim of identifying and synergizing activists Production of content in the international arena in line with Iran's narration abroad was held at the place of Azadi Tower cultural complex.

Moulai, the general director of media cooperation and virtual space of Culture and Communication Organization, in a short speech, explained the idea and purpose of this event in relation to the necessity and importance of activism in international dimensions.

Hani Iramanesh was the other speaker of this meeting who, while raising the issue of the war of narratives, pointed out the different dimensions of the narrative and its impact in the atmosphere of the media war against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In the continuation of this meeting, Mohabeh Khatib, one of the Iraqi media activists, expressed some points about the issue of representation of women and family in the western media space and their efforts to colonize the new media style.

Zamir Jafari, director of Sabeel Media, addressed the topic of media production from ideology to publication (ideology, idea, production and distribution) in the international space and the production requirements related to virtual space (time, attractiveness and attention to the institutionalization of the desired discourse, the necessity of audience knowledge, Paying attention to the issue of branding, the expression of the dominant media discourse in India) was investigated.

Emphasis was placed on addressing the truth of Iranian women in various formats, including the axes presented in this meeting.

According to this news, the main event of "Lady's World" will be held in the form of a workshop during the days (11th and 12th of this March) with the presence of media and international professors. Sending the first 3 groups to scientific, cultural and media trips in foreign countries is a special award for the winners of this event.

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