
By the order of the CEO of #Rodaki_Foundation; The head of the #Azadi_Artistic_Cultural_Complex was appointed.

Mohammad Allah Yaari Foomani, the CEO of Rudaki Foundation, appointed #Seyd_Mohsen_Hosseini as the head of the cultural and artistic complex of #Azadi Tower. This ruling states: Dear Mr. Seyyed Mohsen Hosseini

By the order of the CEO of #Rodaki_Foundation; The head of the #Azadi_Artistic_Cultural_Complex was appointed.

Due to your good background and valuable experiences, according to this order, you are appointed to the position of head of the Azadi cultural and artistic complex.????Using all the capacities of the complex in order to promote and elevate the Azadi Tower complex, planning according to the needs of the complex and in line with the plans of the Rudaki Foundation, interacting with other cultural institutions, trying to make the Azadi Tower known as a proud national work, planning and erecting Museum exhibitions and visual arts, participation in cultural, artistic and tourism festivals as well as the holding of these festivals, determining the policy to increase the quality and quantity of the services provided in Azadi Tower, etc. Mohsen Hosseini has mentioned it.Seyyed Mohsen Hosseini holds a doctorate degree in cultural and artistic management and planning, and among his executive records is the general director of visual arts and museum affairs of the Tehran Municipal Cultural and Artistic Organization, artistic deputy of the Young Artists Association of Iran, music advisor, artistic deputy. Cultural and artistic organization of Tehran municipality and... pointed out.Before this, Alireza Dabaghi ​​was in charge of the Azadi Tower complex.

By the order of the CEO of #Rodaki_Foundation; The head of the #Azadi_Artistic_Cultural_Complex was appointed. By the order of the CEO of #Rodaki_Foundation; The head of the #Azadi_Artistic_Cultural_Complex was appointed.
موارد مشابه
اجرای برج نگاره میلاد با سعادت حضرت ولیعصر (عج) در برج آزادی
به مناسبت میلاد با سعادت منجی عالم، حضرت ولیعصر (عج) و با همکارى مجموعه فرهنگی هنری برج آزادى، بنیاد فرهنگی هنری رودکی و سازمان زیباسازى شهر تهران، برج نگاره (ویدئو مپینگ) بر نماى برج آزادى همراه با آتش‌ بازی و نور افشانی اجرا شد.
اجرای برج نگاره سالروز پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی بر نماى برج آزادى
به مناسبت چهل و ششمین سالروز پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی و با همکارى بنیاد فرهنگی هنری رودکی، مجموعه فرهنگی هنری برج آزادى و سازمان زیباسازى شهر تهران، برج نگاره (ویدئو مپینگ) بر نماى برج آزادى، همراه با و آتش‌ بازی و نور افشانی، اجرا شد.
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