Introducing Azadi Tower

Introducing Azadi Tower

Azadi Tower has 4 pillars, the foundations of each of which are sunk 5 meters below the ground level. Azadi Tower is resistant to an earthquake with a magnitude of 7 to 5.7 on the Richter scale.

Introducing Azadi Tower

In 1345, the call for the design of the symbolic tower of the city of Tehran with the previous name of Shahyad Aria Mehr was given. One of the eligible conditions for the design of the structure is that the plan should not be more than 45 meters (due to the proximity to Mehr Abad airport). They judge. Among the participants who present their plans, the plan of a 24-year-old young man named Mr. Hossein Amanat; A graduate of architecture from Tehran University wins the competition. The construction of Azadi Tower began three years later in 1348, and its construction was completed in two and a half years in 1350; The construction started on May 1348 and the construction ended on October 24, 1350. Operation is on October 26, 1350.

The Freedom Tower was built to remind us of the king. But 7 years after its construction, with the arrival of Imam Khomeini (RA) in Iran, it became a symbol of the freedom of the Iranian nation. Mr. Amanat said in an interview that he is very happy that this place is no longer Shahyad and that it is Azadi Square and has become a symbol of Iran's freedom.

Mr. Hossein Amanat used a combination of architecture before and after Islam (Iranian places of worship) and modern architecture in the design of Azadi Tower, which includes the following:


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