
Web Service documents (ver 1.0.0)

To use the web services of Borj Azadi website, it is necessary to first receive a token for validation. (To receive the token, refer to the page request web service)

After receiving the token, it is necessary to send two headers as below in all sent requests.

token: [YOUR_TOKEN]
language: english | farsi | arabic

method of all sent requests is post.
The description of the web services required in the process of buying tickets is given below. To get postman output click here.
It is suggested to visit the Buy tickets on the Azadi Tower website page to see a real example.


Get basic information

To get the required values of the form before the list of tickets (including groups, seasons and nationalities), use this method.
This method has no input value and provides a list of information in Json format as output.

Url: https://azadi-tower.ir/api/get_information


Get tickets

To receive tickets, you need to send the following values to this Url::

Url: https://azadi-tower.ir/api/get_tickets

Input values

  field Required Example Description
1 date Yes 1402/5/29 Date of visit in Shamsi
2 hour Yes; For group buying   sans id
3 group Yes; For group buying individual Type of group (for individual visits it should be individual.)
4 count Yes 2 number of people
5 nation Yes iranian Nationality (Iranian or non-Iranian)

Output values

The output of this web service includes the list of tickets (if any), which includes the ID, title, image, price, and description of each ticket.


Buy tickets

To receive tickets, you need to send the following values to this Url::

Url: https://azadi-tower.ir/api/set_ticket

Input values

  field Required Example Description
1 date Yes 1402/5/29 Date of visit in Shamsi
2 hour Yes; For group buying   sans id
3 group Yes; For group buying individual Type of group (for individual visits it should be individual.)
4 count Yes 2 number of people
5 nation Yes iranian Nationality (Iranian or non-Iranian)
6 organ_title Yes; For group buying   Collection name (for group purchases)
7 first_name Yes Hossein Buyer Name
8 last_name Yes Alizadeh Buyer's last name
9 mobile Yes 09122222222 buyer's mobile phone
10 email No   Buyer Email
11 ticket_ids Yes 1,2 ID of purchased tickets

Output values

The output of this web service includes a purchase code that must be provided to visit Azadi Tower.

The postman collection of the Azadi Tower ticket buying web service is publicly placed in the postman documentation space and you can access it Click here.


Error codes


The following is the list of response codes along with the description of each one.

Know more about Azadi tower
A journey through the depth of history and art
Up to the architectural masterpiece
Introducing Azadi tower
Azadi tower cultural and artistic complex
All rights belong to Azadi tower cultural art collection.
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