Cultural and artistic complex Azadi tower

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Events of Azadi tower
The Resonance of the Instruments by Students of "Nagmeh Arasbaran" Music Academy at Azadi Tower
The "Nagmeh Arasbaran" Children and Youth Orchestra will perform on Friday, November 29, 2024, at 1:00 PM in the main hall of the Azadi Tower Cultural and Artistic Complex.
Concert Performance by the "Avakob" Group at Azadi Tower
The Avakob Orchestra, conducted and led by Shahaboddin Eftekhari, will perform on Friday, November 29, at 9:00 PM at the main hall of Azadi Tower.
Narrating the Story of "Arash the Archer" at Azadi TowerFatemeh Hashemi will narrate the story of "Arash the Archer" on Friday, November 29, at 10 AM at Azadi Tower.
According to the Public Relations Office of Azadi Tower, "Forty Stories, Forty Homes" is a cultural event aimed at revitalizing traditional Iranian folk tales while introducing significant landmarks in Tehran
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Exhibition of Engraving "Sama-e Qalam" at Azadi Tower
The "Sama-e Qalam" engraving exhibition will be inaugurated on the 5th and 6th of Mehr (September 26-27) in the Azadi Tower's Café Gallery in celebration of Tourism Week.
The Veterans Artists Institute hosted a group of former and current managers of Azadi Tower.
During this meeting, various topics were discussed, including issues related to Tehran's Azadi Tower, sharing past experiences, and utilizing the capacities of veteran artists for cultural and artistic programs and activities.
The Azadi Tower Hosts the "Fine Art" Photography Exhibition
The group photography exhibition "Fine Art" will open on Wednesday, August 15, at the Café Gallery of Azadi Tower.
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Events report of Azadi tower
Performance of the "Bel" Music School Concert at Azadi Tower
The "Bel" Music School group, led by Sina Zokaei, will perform on stage in the main hall of Azadi Tower on Friday, September 20, starting at 1:00 PM.
Holding of the "Kind Heart" public campaign at Azadi Tower
educational packages were donated to students in need, with the participation of 250 elite orphans from Tehran province. The event was organized by the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation and with the collaboration of the Azadi Tower Cultural and Artistic Complex and the Rudaki Cultural and Artistic Foundation.
The art of coffeehouse painting was narrated at Azadi Tower.
The inauguration ceremony of the "Mirror of Love" exhibition was held on Wednesday, August 28, with the presence of Mehdi Khorasanizadeh, Director General of the Office of Visual Arts, visual artists, and cultural officials at the Mirror Hall of Azadi Tower.
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